1 (edited by Eddie 12/09/2010 01:39:29 am)

Topic: Items not displaying on dropdown


I encountered a problem with FA. I have inserted a few items but whenever I try to manage items, or add a new order entry, all these items will not be displayed on the drop down. This dosen't just restrict to items but customer list as well.

To ensure that this is not a database issue, I did went into my database and all the data i inserted were there.

I can conclude that the setup was working just that data from the database cannot be viewed from the drop down.

1. This is the second time I setup FA on this database. I deleted the first time round due to testing and how i delete was basically removing all files from my server and wiping all table and data in my database and reinstalling it again.

2. During my first install, I did not experience this issue

3. To confirm if FA can read my data, I tried generating the inventory report and I see all my items I inserted inside.

Re: Items not displaying on dropdown

Please read FrontAccounting FAQ. You will find a couple of interesting answers there (also for your question).


Re: Items not displaying on dropdown

Yes I got it fixed! Many Thanks!