Topic: enter supplier invoice to purchase order


I'm using version 2.3RC3 (but in the version 2.2... the same behaviour of the system)
When I enter a supplier invoice and I choose a purchase order with several items on it, all items will be booked in the GL on the same GL-account after proceeding the supplier invoice.
Each item is recorded in the system with the correct GL account (items and inventory).
The purchase orders are issued for several items and the recorded GL accounts for the several items are different.
If you enter now the supplier invoice, and choose one or more purchase orders, everything will be booked to the same GL account (first item).

The other problem is, if you enter the second supplier invoice, automatically the GL accounts from the last entry are shown and taken for the booking, there are not shown the accounts which are recorded at the items.

If I have entered to each item the right GL accounts, I'm expecting, that the system will take the GL accounts from there.
If it will not take the accounts from there, I have to re-enter each line again with the booking of the invoice

Or I'm doing something wrong with summary invoices end month, if I have one invoice with different items of different purchase orders?

Best regards,

Re: enter supplier invoice to purchase order

I can't reproduce the problem. Testing both old way of purchase (via PO, GRN, Purchase Invoice) and  the new Direct Invoice the items purcase is posted to item specific GL inventory accounts.

The other problem is, if you enter the second supplier invoice, automatically the GL accounts from the last entry are shown and taken for the booking, there are not shown the accounts which are recorded at the items.

I'm not sure I understand you right. Where you see those old postings - in GL items section of Supplier Invoices screen?


Re: enter supplier invoice to purchase order

Think I found out from where the account is taken (for booking and display ..)

I was entering via supplier invoice, and then I added purchase orders.
The GL account is taken from the supplier account, because everything is booked to this account, anyway what is entered at the item.
Means, the account at the supplier will overwrite the item-account.
But why is it doing that way, is not logic for me.
You can only enter at the supplier an GL purchase account, if you will never have items with different GL accounts?


Re: enter supplier invoice to purchase order

Ernie, please try refer to real menu option names otherwise we will not understand each other. Nevermind.

I was entering via supplier invoice, and then I added purchase orders.

This way you have entered purchase order not related to the invoice.

The GL account is taken from the supplier account, because everything is booked to this account, anyway what is entered at the item.

When you set Purchase Account selector in Supplier record on really first option (Use Item inventory/cogs account) you will have what you need. This way you can select both behaviours: GL accounts used during purchase can be related to item or to supplier.


Re: enter supplier invoice to purchase order

Hi Janusz,
Ok, will try to express more clear.

A.- Tab purchase, suppliers
Here are the general setting to the supplier, address, and also the accounts: Accounts Payable, Purchase Account, Purchase Discount Account.
I had already put in here the main account (80% of the delivery will be booked there).

B.- Tab purchase, purchase order entry
Here I entered the orders with the several items. Each item have the correct GL-accounts and dimensions.

C.-Then I wanted to enter the received payable-invoice
Tab purchase, Supplier invoice
Then I selected the several "items received yet to be invoices" and add then I proceeded to book the invoice.
Now it appears, that the GL acoounts from "A-general setting supplier" is taken, and not the GL-COGS-account from the items.

Hope I expressed now better understandable.


Re: enter supplier invoice to purchase order

Hi Janusz,

Mhh, I tried, but as long I have an GL-account entered at the supplier-general data, it is not working.


Re: enter supplier invoice to purchase order

Starting from PO supplier invoice cannot be entered unless you receive any items against PO via Oustanding Purchase Order Maintenance page, so surely in scenario above you have missed one step between B and C, but main misunderstanding is here:

I had already put in here the main account (80% of the delivery will be booked there).

If you want to use item related accounts you have to set Purchase Account option to 'Use Item COGS/Inventory Account' . Otherwise the purchase invoice will be posted according to supplier (not item based) setting.


Re: enter supplier invoice to purchase order

Hi Janusz,
It is now working, I missed to set "Use Item COGS/Inventory Account".
The other reason why it was not working, was - I have done a mistake with the import do the DB.
Thanks for you help.

best regards,

Re: enter supplier invoice to purchase order

Nice to know smile. Good luck.