Topic: Just to make sure.. upgrading


I want to upgrade my installation to the newest version, at the moment I have 2.2.11 installed. According to the update manual, I can just download the files an copy them over my existing installation??

What about specific folders like 'company' ??


Re: Just to make sure.. upgrading

It also can be overwritten unless you have your own images here with the same names as examples provided with the release. You can also skip this  folder during update.
To be on safe side you should test update on separate copy of your installation (including database).

Re: Just to make sure.. upgrading

Yeah, I've been backup the files already, tonight I'll export the database and run the install locally on my notebook.


Re: Just to make sure.. upgrading

By the way: What will happen to the database when upgrading? Are custom GL account affected?

Re: Just to make sure.. upgrading


I've made a copy of my current install (files and database) and changed the config_db file to fit the new settings, but when I want to login to Frontaccounting, the following message appears:

uld not get validate user login for admin
error code : 1046
error message : No database selected
sql that failed was : SELECT * FROM 6_users WHERE user_id = 'admin' AND password='25ae0f933fd0851e62f27fc0ccfc62ab'

What did I do wrong?

Re: Just to make sure.. upgrading

This means application cannot connect to database server, probably due to incorrect authentication data in config_db.php. Check the password/logn/host/database name again.