Topic: How to change database server to ms sql server?


My company needs an erp system that runs on ms sql server. After searching the web, I found this FrontAccounting. It fits every needs of my company. 
well, I'm new with FA. And I don't know PHP quite well.
I want to ask.. can you change the database server into ms sql server? and how?


Re: How to change database server to ms sql server?

I don't know mssql specifics, but porting FA to this database should be quite easy. All the low level interface to mysql database is placed in (the only exceptions are single calls to mysql elated functions in ans install/save.php). Anyway I guess you will have to port also en_US-*.sql scripts, and maybe some other sql statements spread over FA sources. Maybe easier solution would be just to install MySQL server on your box to avoid porting problems? I don't know.

Re: How to change database server to ms sql server?

thank you very much for your answer.

I'll try to do that. smile

Re: How to change database server to ms sql server?

decent answer from itronics. I was also expecting such a response. But it is till a bit confused to me.

5 (edited by jori 12/17/2010 08:19:59 pm)

Re: How to change database server to ms sql server?

I'm in the process of testing FA I like it so far. Today I observed very strange behavior of MySQL. I'm on Windows 7 x64. I could not login into the company with the massage login password combination is not correct, but I knew I didn't change the password it was remembered by a browser. Then I find out that MySQL service is not running. I tried to start it up, but no success. I Googled for the problem I found extensive thread on MySQL forum about the problem I had, but without viable fixes. People complain that the problem persists more than 2 years with developers not looking at it. I had to uninstall MySQL and lost my old database, then had to create FA company from scratch. This is unacceptable. My suggestion is to make an option to use MS SQL instead of MySQL. THanks

Re: How to change database server to ms sql server?

Jori, please let me know what is the problem with MySQL. While I personally use only unix-like systems, Joe really does all the development and testing works under Windows without any problem. Could you send me some link to the bug report still ignored by MySQL team?

As I have stated before, porting FA from MySQL to any other database engine is NOT trivial work. We have done our best to make it easier - all db-related instructions (beside install wizard) are moved  to single file, so only thing which any volunteer have to do is "just" change this file to use mssql, run FA using mssql and fix a couple of found problems. I would like to say good luck, but nobody determined enough to continue have not appeared so far.
Or I have missed any brave heart over there wink ?


7 (edited by jori 12/18/2010 05:30:48 am)

Re: How to change database server to ms sql server?

Thanks Janusz. Well actually I'm not sure it was coincidence or not when I tried to login into the system I got the following message

"Incorrect Password

The user and password combination is not valid for the system.

If you are not an authorized user, please contact your system administrator to obtain an account to enable you to use the system.

Try again"

I thought it was MySQL problem because at the moment MySQL service was not running and I could not start it, after that I Googled and came across that thread in MySQL forum about the error 1067 with no clear solution. I've uninstalled MySQL and then reinstalled created new company in FA ( I loss previous one, because I could not login) and it worked.

But this morning again this message

"Incorrect Password

The user and password combination is not valid for the system.

If you are not an authorized user, please contact your system administrator to obtain an account to enable you to use the system.

Try again"

But this time MySQL service is running and I'm able to login into the database from command line utility.

I don't not what's the problem and what to do. Why FA doesn't let me in? the password is remembered by a browser so there is no chance of misspelling it.


Re: How to change database server to ms sql server?

Really I don't know what can be a problem here. Do you use only latin chars in login/password, or also some utf8/georgian accented letters ? Maybe this is some problem with encoding used on login screen?
