Topic: date format changes


I am facing problem of change in date format. Many times my date format gets changed automatically and says undefined. Another problem i am facing today is..I have set MMDDYY format but it is reading as DDMMYY format. I use mozilla.

please let me know how to solve this.


Re: date format changes

To solve problem you have to know at least when the date changes. I see no invalid date behaviour, so unless you give step by step scenario to reproduce the problem we can't help.


Re: date format changes

I have setup 4 companies ( each company has a store so 4 stores) in Frontaccounting application

All that i know is some times when we try to do inventory adjustments, try to select a date it show undefined in the top bar of the popup date box. In the past, when this problem happened I would go to preferences and updated the date format as MMDDYYY. Then it would show proper date again. But I had to do this once a while. I suspected that may be some one in his/her preference set a date format differently or something like that.

since yesterday i have a new situation..

when set date format, DDMMYY (using prefrence) it read yesterdays date 12/10/2010 correctly as october 12 but when i updated the format as MMDDYY ( I wanted to do this because i have this format in all other companies) it read as december 10. I mean the default selected date was december 10.

Hope this is enough..
