Topic: Is there a limit to customers that can be created.

Is there a limit to number of customer that can be created, assuming that I have 5000 customers. Will there be a problem with that number of customers in FA? I'm going to create a module that allow customers accessing their transaction history, what is the best way to do it in FA. I'm planning to create one user called CUSTOMERS that will be used as login for all of the customers to login to FA, at the same time, they will needed a username/password that is going to be place in different table but pointed to customers record in FA database. Can FA cope with 5000 login at the same time? Another idea is to used different open source membership program, but performing sync with FA data, but take a lot of work. Any ideas?

Re: Is there a limit to customers that can be created.

There is no internal limit on number of customers.
No tests in such high load circumstances were documented so far though.


Re: Is there a limit to customers that can be created.

Thanks for the reply, I am thinking of using Citrus DB (https:/ as a replacement for customer management because it have the functionality that I want. But the problem is that, Citrus DB do not have inventory function. I am thinking that instead of maintaining two databases and sync between the FrontAccounting and CitrusDB, its better to perform data conversion on the lower level, ie., Citrus DB convert to FrontAccounting table when "saving" data then the otheway round when Citrus DB "reading" from FrontAccounting. That way, I don't have to bother with sync.  Then there is the issue of customising Citrus DB to handle inventory item.

Does anyone have any experience using Citrus DB?

The other idea is that, build a new module for FrontAccounting and use Citrus DB code as guideline. That would be a "cleaner" thing todo, but it may take a lot of time.

Thanks again.


Re: Is there a limit to customers that can be created.

can anybody help me how to add a customer? cause in my page local manage customer, everytime I add a customer it doesn't shows up.

Re: Is there a limit to customers that can be created.

agent182 wrote:

can anybody help me how to add a customer? cause in my page local manage customer, everytime I add a customer it doesn't shows up.

Hi! agent182

First, you are on someone else thread ...
Second, please see the FAQ :

2. Working with FrontAccounting
2.1 I have added new customer (supplier, item) but it is not visible in customer list
Go to Setup tab, Company Setup, and check that 'Search Customer/Supplier/Item list' are unmarked.
If these lists are marked, then you have enabled search for Customers/Suppliers/Items.
This might be a good idea if you have many records. You can then start a search by pressing a space in the list, or use the edit box in front of the list if such one is available. Now enter fragment of Customer/Supplier name or Item id, category or description and press tab. The list will now be populated with relevant records. If you enter a *, all records will be shown.
