Topic: Inserting a credit

I figure this is the kind of bug you want to know about.

I am using your software as a very simple basic business, selling a couple items on e-bay and trying to track everything with Front Account. I get experience with accounting and you never know things may blossom.

Anyways here is the bug. I am trying to give a credit to one of my customers on the shipping charges. So I go to 'Customer Credit Notes' and select the customer and enter the credit data. But I get the following pink error on top of screen:

DATABASE ERROR : The debtor transaction record could not be inserted
error code : 1366
error message : Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'trans_link' at row 1
sql that failed was : INSERT INTO 0_debtor_trans ( trans_no, type, debtor_no, branch_code, tran_date, due_date, reference, tpe, order_, ov_amount, ov_discount, ov_gst, ov_freight, ov_freight_tax, rate, ship_via, alloc, trans_link, dimension_id, dimension2_id ) VALUES (1, '11', '2', '2', '2010-06-16', '0000-00-00', '1', '1', '0', 202, '0', 0, '0', 0, 1.0288344057995, '1', 0, '', '0', '0')

Hope this helps. IF there are any questions I can answer them. It's not totally urgent or anything.

Re: Inserting a credit

I cannot reproduce the problem. Can you?

3 (edited by gobrien 10/01/2010 04:15:11 pm)

Re: Inserting a credit

I just got the same error just now with 2.2.11. Did this ever get figured out or did it just go away?

****Disregard - taking MySQL down from strict to sql-mode="" sorted it out!

Re: Inserting a credit

Thanks gobrien. Is '' instead of 0 in queries forbidden for  MySQL in strict mode?