Topic: Credit This

If i raise an invoice 1000$ to customer and the customer made payment for this invoice , then i click the customer transaction link and select job invoice, an icon with credit is shown. Actually this invoice payment have already done. What is the use of that credit icon..?

This function correctly works in previous version. but only problem in frontaccounting 2.3RC1

I checked the code with previous version of front accounting

function credit_link($row)
    return $row['type'] == ST_SALESINVOICE && $row["TotalAmount"] - $row["Allocated"] > 0 ?
        pager_link(_("Credit This"),
            $row['trans_no'], ICON_CREDIT)
            : '';

The function credit_link in previous version changed to

function credit_link($row)

    return $row['type'] == ST_SALESINVOICE && $row["Outstanding"] > 0 ?
        pager_link(_("Credit This") ,
            "/sales/customer_credit_invoice.php?InvoiceNumber=". $row['trans_no'], ICON_CREDIT):'';


Is there any significance for changing this function

Re: Credit This

Credit note can be issued only for invoices which are not fully credited yet. This is the only constraint. Your customer can claim the quality of products you have sold, so if you accept the claim you can receive goods back or write them off regardless the invoice was already allocated or not.

One problem here is crediting freight costs which cannot be done after all invoice items are credited. In this case you can issue separate credit note  via Customer Credit Notes menu option. Credit notes issued this way are not related to any invoice


Re: Credit This

if the payment is done , is there any need for credit note in the invoice..

Re: Credit This

Yes, for example when your customer want to return goods for some reason after the invoice was paid.