Topic: Training Co. begone!

Hi, I have hit a snag and I hope someone can help.

I have front accounting up and running but have been unable to get rid of 'training co.' from the top of the page.
I changed the information in company set up. I looked at 'create new companies' too. (can someone please tell me
what a database script is  and how I might create one) but I have not had any luck.

Any advice?


Re: Training Co. begone!

Maybe you have allow_demo_mode set to true in config.php?

Re: Training Co. begone!

Thanks Jansuz. I understand what you are saying but I dont know where to find
Config.php.  I cant find it on my server. Is it somewhere else?

Re: Training Co. begone!

OK Jansuz, I think I have worked it out but it presents me with another question.
I have to create a company, which is all pretty straight forward until it asks me to upload my database script in my SQL folder.


What is a database script and where can I find it?


Re: Training Co. begone!

They are stored in sql folder. Up to FA 2.2 version you have to upload it anyway from yor desktop. When you install 2.3RC1, it supports online selection of database scripts (COAs).

Re: Training Co. begone!

Sorry to be a pain in the butt here.
I have attempted to create a new company and tried to up load all of the following files as a database script, which are in the sql folder as you suggested.
alter.sql, alter2.1.php, alter2.1.sql, alter2.2.php, alter2.2.sql, alter2.2rc.sql, alter2.sql, en_US-demo.sql, en_US-new.sql, index.php.

I am scratching my head wondering what on earth am i missing here. What am i doing wrong?
Does it matter I am on a mac?
If I install 2.3rc1 is it easier to find database scripts?

Re: Training Co. begone!

Well, database scripts are only those with .sql extension.
Yes, when you install 2.3RC1 you have at least the two COA's installed, so you can select empty (new) or demo version simply with list selector on Install Company page (or during install process for the first company).


Re: Training Co. begone!

That makes perfect sense except it doesnt work. This is the message I get

"Error creating Database: account, Please create it manually"

So close yet so far.

I will try to upload 2.3 when i get a chance. I hope that works better

Thanks for you help

Re: Training Co. begone!

This message means the credentials you have entered in install process have no permission  to create database. You have to use right credentials, or simply create database manually, and then run FA company creation  process.
