1 (edited by khanhtoan 09/09/2010 10:45:51 am)

Topic: SQL script execution failed in line 4: Table 'frontaccount23.crm_users

I got this message while upgrading:
"SQL script execution failed in line 4: Table 'mydatabase.crm_users' doesn't existDatabase upgrade to version 2.3 failed for company 'My company.'.
You should restore company database from latest backup file"

Then I try force upgrade and the result is:
"SQL script execution failed in line 54: Table 'mydatabase.company' doesn't existDatabase upgrade to version 2.3 failed for company 'My Company.'.
You should restore company database from latest backup file"

I upgrade from 2.3 beta to 2.3 RC1,
Please help,


Re: SQL script execution failed in line 4: Table 'frontaccount23.crm_users

There is a small bug in upgrade script alter2.3rc.sql. You can safely ignore the message, and anyway all should work.

3 (edited by khanhtoan 09/10/2010 02:12:57 am)

Re: SQL script execution failed in line 4: Table 'frontaccount23.crm_users

Dear Janusz,
I ignored the message as you said but it all doesn 't work normally. the message on all pages:
"System is blocked after source upgrade until database is updated on System/Software Upgrade page"
What should I do next?

Re: SQL script execution failed in line 4: Table 'frontaccount23.crm_users

You can change `0_crm_users` to `0_users` in line 4 of /sql/alter2.3rc.sql file and retry upgrade.