Thanks, Roy.
That paper is excellent. Happily, our posts above tie in extremely well with the official spec. Perhaps we should emphasise the following (mainly for lurkers here!):
1. The "Cash-Accounting" mechanism is permitted (in the UK) on Purchases (Crs/Payables), as well as Sales (Drs/Receivables).
2. There seems to be an exception, on Purchases, regarding some unusual purchases - eg, Imports. See points 5.5 and 5.6. The VAT on these transactions apply at the time of Invoicing. In FA, I assume these types of purchases would need to be tagged separately, and, therefore, treated separately in the VAT reports.
3. Our posts above have not covered the rules and processes involved in Joining the scheme, Leaving the scheme, Re-joining, Insolvency, etc. Presumably, most/all of these would be outside the scope of FA anyway?
4. I didn't see any advice re how best to handle national VAT-Rate changes. This can be traumatic! Maybe best to have VAT-codes, assign a new code to each new Rate, and start using the new code - as appropriate?
5. Auto-allocation of Credits: See point 5.7. I thought the book-keeper might have to manually allocate every credit against the relevant debits. However, 5.7 says otherwise, which greatly simplifies the user's actions, and makes FA EVER more beneficial!! As I mentioned, I already have implemented "Auto-Allocation" code, which we might be able to use in FA. A matter not mentioned in the HMRC spec is, eg, what to do if Invoice-123 is issued, and it's cleared later by Credit-456. Then Inv-123 is withdrawn... and Cr-456 is freed up, to be allocated against other debits. The automatic mechanism covers all this, and always re-allocates the remaining credits against the remaining debits - ALWAYS oldest first (as per 5.7). So, the VAT summaries emerging might show changes for previously closed VAT-periods, in which case the current VAT balances must be adjusted by the VAT Payments/Refunds made to-date, to arrive at the current VAT payable/refundable. (Hope this makes sense!).
6. I would, very respectfully, suggest that the official approach for handling part-payments against invoices with multiple VAT-rates, as per 8.2, is not as good as the mechanism in the above posts. They seem to be calculating/allocating VAT against the VAT-summary on the invoice (I don't know what would happen if they had MULTIPLE non-zero rates in the example!), rather than against the individual line-items - as I suggested. With the line-item approach, the VAT summaries should show all VAT amounts at the exact rates, and this can be useful in auditing, etc. With the HMRC approach (I think!), the VAT summaries might not reflect any of the standard rates. The overall result, obviously, is still exactly the same in both cases.
So... whereto from here!!
- M.