Topic: VAT is suddenly not shown on invoice


Maybe it's me.. But suddenly there is no VAT shown on invoices. When I create the invoice I can see the VAT ammount, but when I print the actual invoice that goes to our customer, the VAT is not there anymore.

In Holland you have to display the VAT on invoices, so this is quite a problem for us.


Re: VAT is suddenly not shown on invoice

Maybe your customer is in tax group with no tax rate set?

Re: VAT is suddenly not shown on invoice

Hi Janusz,

Nice shot... but I have only one taxgroup with a tax rate of 19%. As mentioned in the first post, tax is counted at the makeup of the invoice.. It's just not showing when printing the invoice.

Re: VAT is suddenly not shown on invoice

Sorry, I can't reproduce the issue. Tax printed on invoice is probably one of not so many common requirements of various fiscal authorities. This is the case both in Holland and Poland wink.
What FA version do you have? Have you introduced any changes in reports, or database ?

Re: VAT is suddenly not shown on invoice


There haven't been any changes to the database..

Re: VAT is suddenly not shown on invoice

... so revise again all changes you have done in reports.

Re: VAT is suddenly not shown on invoice

Hi, there haven't been any changes to the reports, so there is nothing to revise. Is this not just a silly setting somewhere ?

Re: VAT is suddenly not shown on invoice

I don't know such setting.

Does anybody here know how to reproduce the problem?

Re: VAT is suddenly not shown on invoice

Hi, i'd like to kick this topic... I am still unable to show VAT on the invoices. Meanwhile i've been using my old software (osFinancials), but due to a servercrash we have lost a big peace of the books.