Topic: Changing invoice text when using language

Hi guys,

Today I've installed Frontaccounting, wow!! Finally I found what I was looking for for years.

I've created a testenvironment with the latest release of FA, and installed the Dutch language pack.

I have one question, when I create an invoice the text 'verkoopopdracht' appears on the top. How can I change that text?
I thougt it would be in the language (.mo / .po) files, but I can't find it.

Again, great work FA dev team smile

Best regards from Holland,


Re: Changing invoice text when using language

The text is taken from the file '', which is gettextisized. It should be something like _('INVOICE').
So this text should also be translated in the .po file.
And here you should change it (using f.i. poEdit).


Re: Changing invoice text when using language

Hi Joe,

I've downloaded poEdit, and I'm busy writing a new Dutch language pack. Is it possible to publish the pack once it is completed?



Re: Changing invoice text when using language

Sure. When you are ready send the translation file to our contributions mailbox (address you will find on contact page).