Topic: Pre Order Payment

Is there any way , to pay the supplier in advance and later on allocate that payement to a supplier order?

Please Help me in this regard.

Re: Pre Order Payment

No, you should allocate prepayments to later received purchase invoices.

Re: Pre Order Payment

Colud you please let me know the process, as i new to FA and dont know how to do that, right now when i am paying like.

1. Bank and Legdger etc.
2. Payment
3. I am selecting supplier and posting an amount.

but when i am comming to
1. "Purchases"

2. Allocate Supplier Payments or Credit Notes.

3. the message there is "There are no unsettled transactions to allocate." after click on the icon.

Please guide me in this regard.

Wiqar Ali

Re: Pre Order Payment


What do you want to do exactly ?

-You place an order to a supplier
-You pay the whole order right front
-The supplier delivers the items "by phase"
-You want to "make a reception" for each delivery
-You want each delivery (by phase) to be deducted from the initial order (already paid)

Is it the process you want ?


Re: Pre Order Payment

Thank you very much for taking intereset and for the reply,

Actually my problem is that i want to pay to supplier without receiving the items, i want to receive the items after payment and you know in FA there is no such option to pay supplier in advance if there is please tell me.

i want to do like this.

1. creating order against some items.
2. paying to them before receiving items.
3. the related payment should be from some bank or peti cash account and should be refelected in GL.
4. Later when i received the items in stock or inventory then i will allocate that order against which they were received.


Re: Pre Order Payment

This looks more than a trick than a solution, but it could work:
You could create an account "Prepaid purchases" as a bank account
Make a transfer between accounts Banks to Prepaid purchases
When you do the receive process made the payment but taking the money from "Prepaid services"

I'll try to get an answer from our accountant about this

Re: Pre Order Payment

Thanks for reply, as it can be a tricky solution as you said , but it will be good if there can be a practical solution and i wonder if FA dont have this facility.
