Topic: Rearrange account classes and groups?
I can't see where are account groups in the reports or inquiry about GL accounts, or I'm missing something? Ok, I see that there are in the Chart of Accounts Report, but no balances for them.
Why is this important for me?
We use goverment authority obligatory 3 digit Chart of account, who belong 2 digit account groups and 1 digit account classes. But, in reality, I must use 4 digit chart of accounts. For results in the Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss sheet, we use 2 digit account groups. But, also need balances for 3 digit accounts.
So, my plan is that in FA I use account classes for my 2 digit account groups, account groups for my 3 digit accounts and accounts for my 4 digit chart of accounts. Actualy, I need another, I would call that, subgroup of accounts, because I need somewhere to see balances for my 2 digit account groups and 3 digit accounts (accounting regulations in my country).
Is this possible?
Earlier, I'd sent the administrators of the FA Chart of accounts (whitout 4 digit accounts) to put it in the download area, but I'm asking them to delay that before I dissolve this.