1 (edited by brenthbay 06/08/2010 08:05:34 pm)

Topic: Invoices not crediting the Sales account

Hi guys,

I have recently set up FrontAccounting and am using version 2.2.8.

I am entering some past sales, and whenever I create an invoice using either the Direct Invoice option or the Invoice Against Sales Delivery option, the invoice appears to work okay. However, when I look at the GL entries for the invoices (using the Customer Transaction Inquiry option after wards,) it is strange.

The Accounts Receivables and Shipping and Handling lines are showing correctly, but the lines for the inventory items being sold have no Account Code, or Account Name (the fields are blank,) even though the number of lines, and amounts credited are correct. The Account Code in my system should be 4010 and the Account Name should be Sales.

Any ideas on where I need to be looking so that I can track my sales correctly?

On a side note, I tried implementing WebERP before FrontAccounting, and the difference is incredible. The devs have done an outstanding job here!

Thanks in advance.

Re: Invoices not crediting the Sales account

This is really strange. I think you should first check whether the related GL postings are properly written to gl_trans table, or not. After this we will know whether the problem is due to bad postings written to the table, or right postings are not displayed properly.

Re: Invoices not crediting the Sales account

Thank you for the quick response!

I checked the gl_trans table, and the account field for those records are indeed blank.

Re: Invoices not crediting the Sales account

Probably for some reason you have broken database records which store sales account number used during invoicing. This is sales_account field in cust_branch record, or (if it is empty) stock_master.sales_account for given stock item is used.

5 (edited by brenthbay 06/09/2010 06:22:57 pm)

Re: Invoices not crediting the Sales account

The sales_account field was indeed empty in the records on my cust_branch table.

I had imported my customer records using csv files and phpMyAdmin, and had forgotten to include that field in the records.

In fact, the reason why I left those fields blank was that I had created a test customer branch to use as a template when creating the csv file, and the default value for the Sales Account field on the Customer Branches screen was a blank value (it is instruction to Use Item Sales Account) and I hadn't selected my Sales account.

So when i looked at cust_branch to use the test customer branch as a template, that field was blank, and I didn't recognize that I needed to fill it.

So aside from filling the sales_account fields, and updating the fields in the gl_trans table for affected transactions, is there anything else that I should obviously be doing to correct this?

Thanks again for all the help!

Re: Invoices not crediting the Sales account

Well, I'm not sure about other side effects which can be result of not quite complete CSV import, but above updates should be enough to have GL transactions repaired.


Re: Invoices not crediting the Sales account

