Topic: Issue to allocate suppliers payment 2.2.9 release

We found an issue trying to allocate supplier's payments into the new release 2.2.9, I'm sending the diff result between 2.2.8 and 2.2.9 files

diff -u -B -b includes/ui/ ../downloads/frontaccount-2.2.9/includes/ui/ includes/ui/ 2009-12-04 11:59:20.000000000 -0600+++ ../downloads/frontaccount-2.2.9/includes/ui/ 2010-05-24 23:01:48.000000000 -0500@@ -274,7 +274,7 @@amount_cells(null, "amount" . $counter, price_format('amount' . $counter)); $un_allocated = round($alloc_item->amount - $alloc_item->amount_allocated, 6);- amount_cell($un_allocated);+ amount_cell($un_allocated, false,'', 'maxval'.$counter);label_cell("<a href='#' name=Alloc$counter onclick='allocate_all(;return true;'>". _("All") . "</a>");label_cell("<a href='#' name=DeAll$counter onclick='allocate_none(;return true;'>"@@ -332,7 +332,9 @@amount left to be allocated against the transaction under review */if (input_num('amount' . $counter) > get_post('un_allocated' . $counter)){- //$_POST['amount' . $counter] = $_POST['un_allocated' . $counter];+ display_error(_("At least one transaction is overallocated."));+ set_focus('amount'.$counter);+ return false;} $_SESSION['alloc']->allocs[$counter]->current_allocated = input_num('amount' . $counter);

Re: Issue to allocate suppliers payment 2.2.9 release

This bug was already fixed in main CVS, to be relea with 2.2.10. Ad hoc solution you will find here.