Topic: Change of Home Currency

When the Chart of Account is setup, its home currency is USD.

If I change my mind to some other currency later to become, say HKD Hong Kong Dollar,
will this change all the exchange rates of all historical transactions?

Or must I change it myself all the historical rates the ledger is still outstanding?

Would all those transactions already booked as USD automatically converted to HKD?

By the way, I found that some website shut down
so I cannot retrieve any exchange rate from Yahoo.

The error log says that
failed to open stream: Connection refused

How to overcome this without using fopen?

Thanks for reply in advance!!!

Re: Change of Home Currency

This will be a huge task to do. I guess it would be easier to start all over again with the correct home-currency.

The function that handles the exchange rates is called get_extern_rate and is located inside the file /gl/includes/db/

The function checks if the function cur_init exists and if so it uses curl to open the url, otherwise fopen is used.

So maybe you can install the curl functions to avoid fopen.


Re: Change of Home Currency

Another issue for exchange rate setting:-

When I manually add an exchange rate and I set the rate to be in 6 decimal places,

If I, say enter the HKD rate in respect of the Home currency of USD to

FA would automatically adjust it to 0.128206 instead.

If I want to edit it, FA just say
"The exchange rate for the date is already there."

Am I allowed to change it to the exact rate I just inputed?

Re: Change of Home Currency

Maybe you should inrease the decimals for exchange rates in Display Setup (Preferences).


5 (edited by thhui 06/03/2010 04:48:22 am)

Re: Change of Home Currency

I've tried to increase its decimal places to 8.
And I repeat the exercise above.

The same situation as before.
Nothing has changed.

It will automaticlly increase the last digit by one. (how wonderful!)