Topic: How to handle variable quantities of manufactured items ...


We have an service we sell that has several components to it that are volume based and may
change depending upon the job.  It is important that we track the volumes of material being
used for stock purposes, but do not want to show these on the quotation/order/invoice.

So it seems to be a BOM, but as the volumes may change we can't specify these as a fixed
qty per BOM item.  Only at time of quote.

For example:

ITEM   DESCR                    QTY  UNITS      PRICE
SVC1  Service type 1          1      EA           $50
   V1   Volume item a         25     CC           $0
   V2   Volume item b         30     CC           $0
   HR   Hourly rate work      1.5    HR          $0

So V1 and V2 can vary and we simply calculate the overall price but do not want to show the
components ... we were thinking about a sales kit, but then would still have $0 price items on
the quote which is confusing.

Am happy to approach this another way, just am a bit stuck on how to go about it.


Re: How to handle variable quantities of manufactured items ...

Manufacturing module is somewhat simple, so I guess there is no easy way to fulfill your needs. Probably it would need rewriting of code related to manufactured items receival.

Re: How to handle variable quantities of manufactured items ...

Hi Janusz,

Thanks for the reply.  I think what we will do for now is make a simple manufactured item and use a combination of stock adjustments and additional manufacturing costs to achieve what we want.

Thanks again,

Re: How to handle variable quantities of manufactured items ...

Hello tonyshaus,
if you come with some smart way of handling this, please share it with the community.
