Topic: Viewing Attachments.. .how?

I can attach a document to a supplier invoice, but the only way I can see of pulling it back up is by going to the Setup tab-Attach Documents, and then pick from the list.

It seems that there should be a way for me to pull up the attachment from the original entry in Accounts Payable. Am I missing a step, or is this the only way I can find an attachment?

It would seem that with hundreds or thousands of entries that this procedure would get cumbersome.

Thanks for any advice or comments.

Re: Viewing Attachments.. .how?

You can have more than one attachment to a single object.
I am trying to figure out where to put eventually links. Maybe from the document itself (the popup window).


Re: Viewing Attachments.. .how?

Joe, I think it would be a GREAT idea to do that.

Just to be clear that we mean the same thing, what I would envision is that if I were to call up an inquiry, say on a supplier, and an attachment existed, that inquiry would have a link to the attachment.

I think it would be a wonderful enhancement, especially as so many users have scanners, and most of the implementation already exists.

Re: Viewing Attachments.. .how?

Even if there might be space problems (too many columns in some inquiries) I will see if we can put an extra column here for all inquiries.
I have put this on the Wishlist in FA Wiki. It is a candidate for 2.3.


Re: Viewing Attachments.. .how?

I have now been working with this and found it difficult to have this link in the inquiries themselves. It is too cluttered in some inquiries to have an extra column. It is much easier to have a link in the popup windows ('View Attachment') in front of the other (''Print' and 'Close'). This link will only be there if there is an attachment.

Re: Viewing Attachments.. .how?


I think that would be great if that could be included; at least it would draw the users attention to it and be more user friendly then having to look through the Setup Tab for information... as it is not really related.

Your solution would address the issue. Are you able to release coding on that, or do we wait for the next upgrade?

Re: Viewing Attachments.. .how?

Hello again,
The release of 2.3 is approaching. However you may look into the last commitment regarding this in CVS unstable trunk. The main change in a couple of extra default parameters to end_page(). And the implementation in
I think you could change the 2.2 without problems, but we are planning on a rapid 2.3 release.


Re: Viewing Attachments.. .how?


I was able to take a look at 2.3 today. I think you got it absolutely right the way this is included, and is exactly what I had hoped for.

How far away is 2.3 from being stable and we being able to use it in a production environment?

Thanks for the upgrade!

Re: Viewing Attachments.. .how?

Thanks for your nice words.
The final release of 2.3 is depending on our testers (you). We are first shipping a 2.3rc1 and then either rc2 or directly to final.
Expect another month or so, I guess.
