Topic: Poedit update catalogue

Can somebody please give me the correct parameters for poedit to extract all strings? I ran a dif between my extract and the "original" empty.po and I have about 60 missing. No idea why though.

Re: Poedit update catalogue

I will send you the up to date po.file directly. Do you want translate FA 2.2.7 or  CVS (unstable) version?

Re: Poedit update catalogue

No, the po I have. But I have two ways of getting the changes done:

I fix them and add them manually to the standard (empty) po or I fix them and let poedit do the work of extracting them properly. The latter seems to be the easier way. But the routine skips some 60 concepts or so.

In any case you'll get the changed files in order to put them (probably) into the next version. Some examples:

Purchase or Sales Order instead of Order (in German it is Bestellung and Auftrag)
Credit Account is Kreditkonto (bank) or Soll Konto (accounting)
Liabilities is Verbindlichkeiten (p/l) or Passiva (balance sheet)
"To" might mean "bis" but also "auf" and probably a few more.

The translation is ready and working but I am doing fine tuning and checking now...

I'm generally doing stable versions only...

Re: Poedit update catalogue

Oh, yes, now I understand. You want to fix ambiguous phrases in source. Good idea, fixing them in german will should remove most problems for any other language.

BTW Gettext introduced domain concept to avoid this kind of problems. It is more comfortable to have all translated strings in one po file, but sometimes better choice would be to have single po file per module (sales, purchase etc). Unfortunately gettext runtime library can use only one domain at a time, so it would require to copy the common string translations over all module's po files, so this approach is not practical. Better is to care about it fixing the source strings to avoid ambiguity  using slightly different spelling (e.g. additional spaces in strings).
