Topic: select 2 values

In Sales order , when I press F2 to select Customer, I got Customer name OK, But If I want to get another value from ( customer form ) , How ?


Re: select 2 values

Is there any idea ?


Re: select 2 values

I can't understand what exactly is the problem here?

4 (edited by amdawi 03/31/2010 06:18:05 am)

Re: select 2 values

There is no Problem,
I mean In Sales Order, When I press F2 I will got pop up windows for all customers, then I will select one, then It will return to sales order window with selected customer. ( That's OK )
What do I want ?
I want from Pop up customers window, another value from this window , such as Discount Percent.
So I want to select customer number and discount percent value from this window not from db?

Is that clear ?


Re: select 2 values

Yes. All parameters adequate for sales order (eg discount) should be automatically updated after the customer is selected. This is done by updating customer input with selected customer id, and performing ajax call related to customer selector change. If you anyway want to know how it works exactly you should look into functions passBack and callEditor in inserts.js.

Re: select 2 values

I want to use this parameters  , from where I can get their values ?


Re: select 2 values

Which parameters you mean? Customer discount? It is stored in debtors_master table.

Re: select 2 values

Yes, you are right.
But I want to get this parameter from this from not from db.


Re: select 2 values

Sorry, I can't understand what you want to do. Maybe you should look into source code and try get it yourself, or consult some programmer in your location.