Topic: FA User Interface Modifications


First of all FA is quite impressive software. Thanks for the great work you are doing guys.

But I want to contribute to the code but I don't see any CVS, or any repository here.

I have some ideas and improvements I would like to share to the code, like:

* Make the UI Library more complete by adding code to make the columns sort.
* Create a Dash Board.
* Create a Process Map (Like QuickBooks)

These are are few, of my ideas for implementation.

I hope, you guys point me on the right direction.

Re: FA User Interface Modifications

You can access FrontAccounting CVS repository on (read only anonymous access). If you want to share your ideas with other developers please subscribe to developers mailing list. If you simply want to send some code to be considered for inclusion in next FA versions, you can use contributions mailing box from our Contact page.  All the related links you will find on our wiki.

BTW. column sort is supported in paged queries, although not always enabled.

Re: FA User Interface Modifications
