Topic: Direct Invoice Question

I have been using the demo company in FA to try to gain some experience with it, and I am somewhat confused by the GL posting of a direct invoice.  If I direct invoice a "purchased" inventory item, and I view the GL entries after placing the invoice, I only see a credit to sales and a debit to A/R. 

I was expecting to also see a credit to my inventory account, and a debit to COGS, like you see with a Direct Delivery.  When or how are the inventory accounts updated with a Direct Invoice?



Re: Direct Invoice Question

Please look at the underlying delivery (dispatch) note. It is referenced as 'auto'.
Here you will see the inventory and COGS GL postings.


Re: Direct Invoice Question

Thanks - I see that now.  I was looking for the info on the View GL Posting screen after placing the invoice, but I really should have been examing the actual GL transactions.