Topic: Payments to Suppliers


I hope you and others can help me to understand how best to do this,  when done here I will make the post to wiki (Payments to Suppliers)

My account with the supplier is prepayment. I generate a PO, email it to supplier, they process a bank card before the order is shipped. Some times the amount is more then what the PO states, shipping cost, price increases, etc.

When the purchase comes in or I receive a copy of the suppler invoice, I simply make the payment in GL...  FA has Supplier Payment features build in, but I don't know how to use them in this case.

What would be the best way to handle this transaction?


"The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet."  - Aristotle.

Re: Payments to Suppliers

Hmm, i just did something similar with my customers. I created a sales order with the customer and raised a purchase Order with the supplier. When the Invoice was to hand, I edited  purchase order and checked the sales order was correct for freight etc.

Then I received the PO to supplier and invoiced the SO to customer.

Then I added a supplier Payment to pay for the goods (but I used bank transfer to supplier, not credit card). Basically the smae as what youi are doing. Semed to work OK.

Brisbane, QLD, Australia