1 (edited by betchern0t 03/02/2010 10:45:48 pm)

Topic: Upgrade errors on a new install

     this is hard. I have got to the stage where i can install the training co and can create my company. I am creating my company by loading from the version 2 australian service script.

However when I logout and login again I get an error message

"Before software upgrade you have to include old $security_groups and $security_headings arrays from old config.php file to the new one.

This is on ubuntu 9.04 server. The FA directory tree is chown www-data:www-data and chmod 774

Any help gratefully received.

Cheers Paul

Re: Upgrade errors on a new install

Paul, Did you just download the Aussie Chart of accounts?

Joe made a change in the last day or so in response to a post I made. I had solved my problems before he did this.

I found that the scripts blew away users and securtiy groups and then re made them so you could no longer login. I deleted those parts of the scrpt that altered these two tables.

I have also done some work on an Aussie Translation but have not posted up the code as I am still checking it is complete.

I would also be keen to help with creating an Aussie direct payment module to pay suppliers.

Search for posts I have made and check the threads. PM me your email address if you like. It woud be good to work with another Aussie with this!

Brisbane, QLD, Australia

3 (edited by betchern0t 03/09/2010 03:20:22 am)

Re: Upgrade errors on a new install

Hi Rod,
           sorry to take so long to respond. I have been side tracked looking at calendaring software. I am attempting to use the australian service accounts v2. These don't appear to have changed from the ones I initially tried and are still causing the same problem. The australian 0000 chart of accounts appear to also have not been changed.

However I think I now have an answer to the problem. Documented here for others with this problem.

Take the en_US-new.sql script that is sitting int he sql directory in the frontaccount directory tree, and copy across the create users table and insert data for users. Also copy across the inserts for the security roles.

The other thing that you need to do is to get a working user id. Open a mysql client as root (mysql -u root -p), use the database, and then copy the admin id across from the first company: insert into 9_users ( select * from 0_users where user_id="admin" );

It appears that between the creation of that accounts script and now the user table has changed due to a fundamental change in the way security is done.

Hopefully now it all works.

Cheers Paul

4 (edited by rodw 03/09/2010 12:25:08 pm)

Re: Upgrade errors on a new install

I thinnk the problem is that the chart of accounts includes all of the security tables and if you look at the SQL, it deletes your security roles and then your users and then recreates its own. Joe redid it and the admin account password I think he set to"password". Personaly, I think you are better off running deleting the updates to the user and security table so it leaves it all unchanged.

I think the chart was simply a backup of the data bases on a working system done in MySQLAdmin and it should have been cleaned up to account for this before deployment.

Note that Joe has also published an Australian Language file I did up so the tax terminology is now set for Aussie users eg "Tax Invoice" and "Credit Adjustment Note" smile

I would be interest to hear any feedback on the Aussie language file but I think it is pretty good.

Brisbane, QLD, Australia

Re: Upgrade errors on a new install

Hi Rod,
           no the problem is that the database schema has changed between when the chart of accounts was dumped and the latest versions of frontaccount. After yesterday I found some more problems. I think the best bet is to downgrade frontaccount to the same version of the chart of accounts, install and then upgrade. I notice though that the Australian service accounts have now disappeared from the website.

Cheers Paul

Re: Upgrade errors on a new install

betchern0t wrote:

Hi Rod,
           no the problem is that the database schema has changed between when the chart of accounts was dumped and the latest versions of frontaccount. After yesterday I found some more problems. I think the best bet is to downgrade frontaccount to the same version of the chart of accounts, install and then upgrade. I notice though that the Australian service accounts have now disappeared from the website.

Cheers Paul


I had no problems with installing the Aussie Chart on version 2.2.6 which is the current version.

I think you downloaded the 2.1 version. The 2.2 version modified by Joe after I reported problems (1 March 2010) can be downloaded from here:

https://frontaccounting.com/wbt/pages/d … ts-2.2.php

The problem I reported to Joe is on this thread. I show the bits I deleted from the SQL file which I applied using MySQLAdmin


Make sure you make a backup copy of the MySQL Database. I didn't and had to reinstall FA again. Once I had a backup, I was able to replace the tables when I was locked out and try again.

I personally think the better approach is not to touch the security_roles and user tables at all so I would delete the blocks I showed before running ths scripts.

If you agree this is the best way to go then post up on the other thread and ask Joe to amend the chart again.

I have got all my data in since I established a business in October and it works well.

Joe has posted my AU language files here:

And you might like to look at this thread on the Aussie bank payment system here:


With all this customisation, you will be just about set with FA!

Brisbane, QLD, Australia