Topic: show total excluding tax even when pricebook is including tax

I'm using the sales type "retail" with the tax included set. So when creating an invoice then the prices of the items are including tax. An item of 16 euro will be 16 euro including tax.

The total will also show 16 euro which is great. However the sub-total I would prefer to see the sub-total excluding tax while currently (FA 2.2.6) it shows again the total including tax.

sub-total : 16.00
VAT 19% included 2.55 : (and then nothing in the cell with amounts)
total : 16.00

And I'm really missing the amount excluding tax. I would prefer to see:

sub-total excluding VAT: 13.45
VAT 19%: 2.55
total including VAT: 16.00

In this case it will keep a consistent sub-total calculation whether the sales type is including or excluding tax.

Re: show total excluding tax even when pricebook is including tax

This was discussed a long time ago, before the establishment of the Forum.
It was at that time proposed to present it as is now. But we can let this be an object for discussion.


Re: show total excluding tax even when pricebook is including tax

I can see that people would like to have a choice here. From my brief experience with FA, this does not sound too hard to achieve as it is only a change to report format and the reports are mainly contained in the one file aren't they?

Perhaps there was a global flag that allowed user to toggle between the current report and the format proposed by shopimport? There may also need to be a couple of screen updates that would also respect the state of this flag..

Brisbane, QLD, Australia

Re: show total excluding tax even when pricebook is including tax

Before the tax displaying, the function get_trans_tax_details($type, $trans_no) is called in all the views and reports, so it should be fairly ok to fix this, but the line totals are displayed tax included. Wouldn't it require one more total line, f.i. Subtotal (tax included) Subtoal (tax excluded) and then the normal tax display and invoice total?


Re: show total excluding tax even when pricebook is including tax

I do appreciate the input of rodw and at first it seems like a good solution, however probably maintenance wise it's not prefered to have extra company options for this. I think if the subtotal tax excluded is added to the screen and invoice report then this will fullfill my needs.

Whether or not to also show Subtotal tax included I think this depends whether it can differ from the invoice total. If the Subtotal tax included will never be different from the invoice total then there seems no need to add it. But probably it might differ in case of shipment? I just checked the demo and indeed the total invoice will have shipment included while the subtotal will only sum the item lines.

This means that also Subtotal tax excluded is not good enough for me. I'm looking for the Total invoice tax excluded.

If I send an invoice to a client and I'm not sure whether it's a company or private person then at least total excluding, the VAT and the total including are relevant.

Re: show total excluding tax even when pricebook is including tax

joe wrote:

Before the tax displaying, the function get_trans_tax_details($type, $trans_no) is called in all the views and reports, so it should be fairly ok to fix this, but the line totals are displayed tax included. Wouldn't it require one more total line, f.i. Subtotal (tax included) Subtoal (tax excluded) and then the normal tax display and invoice total?


Joe I think we are thinking of (well I was anyway) of something like

IF (Global_ShowReportsTaxInclusive == TRUE){
    // Show Current default report format
        sub-total : 16.00
        VAT 19% included 2.55 : (and then nothing in the cell with amounts)
        total : 16.00
   // Show revised Tax Exclusive report format
      sub-total excluding VAT: 13.45
      VAT 19%: 2.55
      total including VAT: 16.00

Anyway, you'll get the drift of my peudo-code...

Brisbane, QLD, Australia

Re: show total excluding tax even when pricebook is including tax

You have my vote for this change...


"The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet."  - Aristotle.

Re: show total excluding tax even when pricebook is including tax

I've just installed FA and was wondering if this issue is being taken seriously. My customers are more interested in the excluding VAT amount as this is what they actually pay, the VAT amount is offset against their own purchases.
If it isn't going to be changed on the software, (I really think having both options is the best way forward), is there somewhere I can change it on my installation?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Re: show total excluding tax even when pricebook is including tax

The method described by rodw, will be an option (config.php) in release 2.3 that are about to ship primo June.
