Topic: file attachment ...

what is use of the drop down list "type" in attachments page ??

Re: file attachment ...

All transactions inside FA is split up into various types to keep them separated. The drop down list will show you the various trypes in FA.
So you can select which type this attachment belongs to.


Re: file attachment ...

thank you joe for your help ..
i know what you said. i imagined that these types plays as a categories of file attached,
but using any type during attaching has no effect after that.
according my old imagine, after attaching many different file in each category when i choose any type ,it will show me just the file attached for this type not all files attached. but that occurs is FA show me all attached file not categorized as attachment.
when i watched how these file stored in database i saw that all attached file has the same type_no = '20' . what is that type number and why all files had the same one ??

Re: file attachment ...

You have encountered a bug sad.
There was a bug in a selector list.
The CVS Main repository is updated.
Thank you for reporting this.

You can also download the file from here:


Re: file attachment ...

what will i do with this php script ?

Re: file attachment ...

Put it on your server in place of the old one.

Re: file attachment ...

its working well ..
thank you very much ...