Topic: Tax column alignment and calculation

The tax column on all invoices, direct invoice, and quotes have an issue with the tax column. The tax is calculated properly but the column does not line up and it is not added to the order total. See the attached image from a screen shot. Searching the forums does not result in similar issues. How do I solve this problem?

Re: Tax column alignment and calculation

'This is not a bug, this is a feature' - The Big Bill said smile.

No, this is really right format for tax display when you have selected price list with tax included during invoice entry. If you would select tax added type pricelist, the tax is in line and added to net lines val as you have expected.


Re: Tax column alignment and calculation

Thank you for your quick response. The next questions is, where do you change this setting? I am not finding anything that refers to tax and price list.

Re: Tax column alignment and calculation

Look into Sales Types page. Sales Type is synonym for price list in FA.

Re: Tax column alignment and calculation

Ah.. now I see. Thank you for the help! I love system and will be donating to the cause.

Re: Tax column alignment and calculation

Thanks  in advance smile.