Topic: Sales order - Delivered from Multi Location


I want to create sales order , and delivered from multi Location.
Item 1   - From Loc1
Item 2   - From Loc2
Item 3   - From Loc3

Is that possible?

with regards,

Re: Sales order - Delivered from Multi Location

Yes, but you have to enter one delivery note per location. Then you can issue batch invoice for all the deliveries.

Re: Sales order - Delivered from Multi Location

Dear itronics,
I did not understand , Could you please explain more?

Thanks in advance.

Re: Sales order - Delivered from Multi Location

. Enter sales order for item1, item2 and item3
. Make 3 deliveries from the 3 locations using Delivery Against Sales Order page.
. On Invoice Against Sales Delivery page select all three deliveries and press Batch button.
. Finish sales invoice.

That's all.


Re: Sales order - Delivered from Multi Location

Let me explain What I want again ,
I have 2 locations
Item 1 Qty 100  in Location 1
Item 1 Qty 50    in Location 2
We want to make invoice contains Item 1 with Qty : 130,
so our order will be insufficient quantities.

so we need to join 2 locations in the same order.


Re: Sales order - Delivered from Multi Location

I want to select location for every line in order details.


Re: Sales order - Delivered from Multi Location

No, it is not possible to include per item location on sales order. If having one sales order for all the items with separated delivery notes is not enough for you, you have to entry separated sales orders one for every location.
In most cases above scenarios are enough, so we will not clutter the sales order interface with additional input fields.


Re: Sales order - Delivered from Multi Location

You just do an inventory transfer first... We do it all the time here...

"The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet."  - Aristotle.

Re: Sales order - Delivered from Multi Location
