Topic: config_db.php is missing

have installed latest release of frontaccounting - 2.2RC
after clicking Install button it reported that it had already been installed.
when I return to main login page, it reported following errors:

Warning: include_once(./config_db.php) [function.include-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in Z:\home\\www\sss\includes\ on line 148

Warning: include_once() [function.include]: Failed opening './config_db.php' for inclusion (include_path='.;/usr/local/php5/PEAR') in Z:\home\\www\sss\includes\ on line 148

Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at Z:\home\\www\sss\includes\ in Z:\home\\www\sss\includes\ on line 162

Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at Z:\home\\www\sss\includes\ in Z:\home\\www\sss\includes\ on line 162

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at Z:\home\\www\sss\includes\ in Z:\home\\www\sss\includes\ on line 164
Undefined variable: db_connections in file: Z:\home\\www\sss\access\login.php at line 98

FrontAccounting 2.2 RC - Login

The file config_db.php is missing, I could not found it neither in the installation folder nor in archive I downloaded before.

Can someone help me with this issue?

Re: config_db.php is missing

If you upgrade an existing system, the file config_db.php is already there. We have changed the routines when upgrading/installing release 2.2 RC.
In the root folder of the 2.2RC package you will find a file update.html. Please read this carefully. It explains in detail how to upgrade.

If you create a new installation of 2.2 RC, you should read the install.html file in the root folder.


Re: config_db.php is missing

I am installing it first time. I checked downloaded archive frontaccount-2.2RC.rar, and file config_db.php is MISSING there.

Re: config_db.php is missing

Please read the install.html that follows the package. It is in the root folder. The file config_db.php is created during install.
After you have unpacked to your installation folder, run FA by http://domain/fa22 or whatever your installation folder is.
If this is the first time, you will be redirected to an installation page. All this is described in the file install.html.


Re: config_db.php is missing

Hi Joe:

I've just tried to do a fresh install to try FA out.

The installation wizard calls for the file config_db.php and says it is unwriteable. For the life of me I can't find it anywhere. All I can find is config.default.php.

When I try to install anyway, I get the error: "Error: Cannot open the extension setup file '../installed_extensions.php' for writing." which I assume relates to the lack of config_db.php

I've read install.html and up update.htlp. Neither mentions where config_db.php is or how to create it.


6 (edited by kerrsmith 02/18/2010 06:33:25 pm)

Re: config_db.php is missing

If you set the write permissions on the folder you are installing Front Accounting in to it will allow the creation of the config_db.php file and the installation screen will show the relevant green tick.

If you are not sure what permissions are needed just set it to 777 until the install is complete and then you can change it back to the original value when all the files have been created.

Re: config_db.php is missing

Thanks. That did the trick!