Topic: allow multiple entries of the same item on the purchase order.

Please allow multiple entries of the same item on the purchase order.

When I now make a second line with the same item code then I get "The selected item is already on this order."

I'm ordering domein names. The purchase invoice from my domain name provider shows 6 identical item nrs with a kind of serial number for the domain name. All with different prices (1st year is cheaper than next years).

Additional I really like to have a free field per item in which I can enter the serial number. This I will also do on the sales invoice so I can always match. So also for the sales invoice I would need the free field for a serial number. Although on the invoice I can edit the name and add the domain name to it. This I tried on purchase order and is not working simular.

Re: allow multiple entries of the same item on the purchase order.

This feature, multiple items of same item id, is implemented in release 2.3. You can use the memo field for extra info. This info is printed on the PO/SO/INV after the lines.
In the Sales docuemnts you can click a line down, and add/change extra info to the description.


Re: allow multiple entries of the same item on the purchase order.

The changes just implemented for 2.3 release in Purchases module involve find also option to define any inventory item as having editable description (name).Therefore you can entry multiply items with names edted as you wish and same item code.
You can test all the changes on our unstable demo site at

Re: allow multiple entries of the same item on the purchase order.

Wonderfull to see this progress. I've tested the demo 2.3 and noticed also the direct GRN and direct Invoice for the purchase section.

My feedback:
I'm able to edit the descriptions in the PO once the item is first added to the invoice. It also allows multiple entries of the same product code now! The same applies to the Goods Received Notes, either via the PO or with the new direct GRN.

However for the purchase invoice it's not (yet) possible to edit the description anymore. So it should be done the step before (GRN).  Any reason for this to not allow editting the description at the purchase invoice?

For the multiple items I noticed that with the 5th item you get 4 warning lines. If possible it would be nice to summarize. And for my personal use I would really like a separate comment/serialnumber field which could contain the domainname.

Anyway, it's all very great and usefull already and I'm looking forward to upgrade to 2.3 (any planning available?)
Gr. Bob

Re: allow multiple entries of the same item on the purchase order.

Hi Itronics, I've installed the unstable CVS 2.3 byt the use of

I'm able to enter multiple lines with the same item code, however I'm not able to modify the description. While on your demo 2.3 CVS it's working properly.

Could you advise me how I can download / enable the option to edit the item description for purchasing.
Gr. Bob

Re: allow multiple entries of the same item on the purchase order.

Go to Items manager and set 'Editable description' option for every item you want.

Keep in mind unstable CVS contains really unstable code, so no guarantee regarding db structure. This can change multiply times before 2.3RC. You can use it in production if you want, but keep in mind you can have troubles with semi-manual db structure upgrades needed in meantime. Also the code is not tested well against new bugs.


Re: allow multiple entries of the same item on the purchase order.

Ok great, it's configureable per item. And it's working now also for purchase invoices.

Do you have any idea if 2.3RC will be available in days, weeks or months? I understand you don't want to commit to date, however it will affect my decision to wait for 2.3RC or use 2.3CVS.

Re: allow multiple entries of the same item on the purchase order.

There is no deadline for 2.3 established yet. This will not happen in near days or weeks. I think the real time for finishing all planned improvements and freezing the database scheme is in some 2-3 months. Unless in meantime we decide to include any more complex and long awaiting wish wink.