1 (edited by jaime.hinojosa 02/10/2010 07:25:56 pm)

Topic: Ajax page changes does not show when using firebug


(I was not sure where to post this, so please admin move it where appropriate)

When using firebug to track Ajax requests page changes does not show, this only happens if I don't press Continue (firebug) after reaching a Breakpoint (firebug) on line 243 (xr.send(this.queryText)) of file JSHttpRequest.js, otherwise changes show normally.

This is getting kind of annoying because i am trying to know about the internal functionality (how the Model-View-Controller communication works) of FA using firebug and xdebug (netbeans).

Thx everyone.


Re: Ajax page changes does not show when using firebug

What is your configuration? Firebug in FF under Linux works as expected.

Re: Ajax page changes does not show when using firebug

My bad, the breakpoint should be on line 543 (using $go_debug = 1 in file config.php)

I'm using:
Linux (Ubuntu 9.10 64-bit)
Firefox 3.5.7 (64-bit)
LAMPP 1.7.2
Firebug 1.4 (Cannot use 1.5 because it does not work with Firefox 3.5 64-bit)

Here's an scenario where the problem occurs:
1) Open FA and go to Sales->Direct Invoice
2) Open Firebug
3) Reload browser (F5)
4) Choose the Script Tab (Firebug)
5) Choose the file "JsHttpRequest.js"
6) Set a breakpoint on line 543
7) Add a item pressing the "Add item" button (FA)
8) Firebug should stop on line 543
9) Press the Step Over button (F10, Firebug)
10) Press the Continue button (Firebug)

When following the scenario the updates on screen does not show, but when repeating the scenario omitting Step 9 everything works as expected.

Thx everyone.


Re: Ajax page changes does not show when using firebug

Yes you are right, seems debuger does not works as it should at this point.
Nothing is perfect, even Firebug.


Re: Ajax page changes does not show when using firebug

Any hint of what could I do?...

I just want to know how does FA decides what function to run after Ajax responses are ready (onreadystatechange, readyState == 4).

Re: Ajax page changes does not show when using firebug

This function is set using JsHttpRequest..query() call in utils.js. Look at line 92.

Re: Ajax page changes does not show when using firebug

Thx for the reply smile
