Topic: Service item Inventory posts during Delivery

FA 2.2.5

Am I correct in assuming that when Delivering/Direct Invoice of service items that no GL postings should be made to inventory accounts? Perhaps I've mis-configured something but whatever I try I can't seem to avoid a delivery of a service item posting to inventory.

On the receiving side things look ok. No inventory posts are made upon GRN.

Also, if I deliver a service item before receiving it then, because the stock_master material_cost is zero for the item, no inventory posts are made upon delivery. The minute this item is first received (material_cost updated) then deliverd it seems to produce my problem.

Both the Item Catogory and the Item itself is setup as a service item.

On a side note. When creating a new Service type Item Catogory, despite only being able to edit the Sales and COGS accounts, once the catogory is saved the other account fields are populated with the company default values for Inventory, Inventory Adjustments & Assembly. Is this not perhaps a little confusing, when those fields should theoretically be empty?

Re: Service item Inventory posts during Delivery

If you create a service item, it should never show up in the GL inventory account. It is the Item Type (Service) that controls how the item is handled. The Category type is only a way of categorize the items.
Even if there are accounts for inventory in the database, it has no effect of how the item is handled. It is the item type that controls how to handle it.


3 (edited by stildalf 02/03/2010 06:13:32 am)

Re: Service item Inventory posts during Delivery

Thanks Joe,

Then my assumption was correct.

I have however found a scenario where creating a service item, posting a GRN and suppliers invoice, then Direct Invoice of the same service item does post to the GL inventory account in the auto generated Delivery Note. This behavior is evident in 2.2.4 and 2.2.5.   In 2.2.3 the service item behaves as it should in the above scenario, ie. no GL inventory posts.


Re: Service item Inventory posts during Delivery

Could you check cost related fields in stock_master record for the service item under consideration?  They all should be zero. If not, probably service item cost is mistakenly updated somewhere in the code.

Re: Service item Inventory posts during Delivery


Material_cost value is updated after processing a GRN.

Re: Service item Inventory posts during Delivery

This is a bug. THanks for pointing out.

Re: Service item Inventory posts during Delivery

The bug arose when purchasing service items from a supplier. And something was changed a while ago.

This bug has been fixed and CVS Main trunk is updated. You can also download the affected file, /sales/includes/db/, here:


Re: Service item Inventory posts during Delivery

Thanks Joe,

I would just like to commend the Devs for their active involvement. A refreshing outlook that is very encouraging to someone pretty new to FA.

Well Done!
