1 (edited by kerrsmith 01/30/2010 10:04:48 pm)

Topic: Shipping on Supplier Invoice

I am just trying to work out the best way to add shipping on to a supplier invoice.

On the invoice I can add the products and they show the relevant tax in the tax row but I am just trying to figure out the best way to add the shipping.  I can create a new Quick Entry called shipping but then this is not shown as part of the tax row, it just adds directly to the total.

What I am ideally trying to achieve is to add shipping excluding tax (like products) and have the tax added on the tax row along with the products tax.

I have been trying the various Quick Entry options but have not managed to come up with a combination of Quick Entry Lines that works in this way.

Re: Shipping on Supplier Invoice

If you create a Quick Entry for the shipping with the correct tax type for the supplier it will be updated on the tax row below on the form.

In the GL the tax is shown as 2 entries. One for the items and one for the GL entries.


Re: Shipping on Supplier Invoice

I have been trying various combinations of Quick Entry Lines but have not found the correct ones.

The closest I have got is by having two Quick Entry Lines:

Taxes included

I have set the tax at 10% for testing purposes.

If I now add £10 as a shipping Quick Entry I get two GL Items for this Invoice lines:


The subtotal shows the £10 which is correct but the tax shows £0.91 which is not 10% of £10.

What I am aiming for is £10 subtotal and £1.00 tax to give a total of £11.00

Re: Shipping on Supplier Invoice

Hello again,
If you have tax included and the shipping cost is £10 whereof £0.91 is tax included that is correct.
Example: £10 - £0.91 = £9.09
£9.09 * 10% = 0.909 rounded to £0.91. So you see it is not the same as 10% of £10 but 10% of £9.09, right?

BTW, you should calculate the tax included first and then the remainder in your quick entry lines.
Look in the Tips and Tricks under Quick Entries in the FA Wiki

5 (edited by kerrsmith 01/31/2010 11:08:38 am)

Re: Shipping on Supplier Invoice

Hi Joe,

Thanks for your help with this.

What I am trying to achieve is the following (tax set at 10%):

I enter a shipping amount in the quick entry, say £10

In the subtotal box I see £10
In the tax box I see £1.00
In the total box I see £11.00

Having it set up in this way would match my suppliers invoices exactly as they show everything excluding tax. They have products and shipping excluding tax as a subtotal, the relevant tax from products and shipping next in the tax box and then the main total.

This way means I can directly copy my suppliers figures straight in from their invoices and my invoice will then match theirs.

I have been trying many different combinations of remainder, amount, taxes added and taxes included but am not able to get one to show the results as above.

Re: Shipping on Supplier Invoice

Another option is to add transportation as service item to inventory and include it on supplier invoice entry as additional item line. This works at least for me, although some problems may appear when transport cost is not known at the purchase order phase.

7 (edited by kerrsmith 01/31/2010 02:52:26 pm)

Re: Shipping on Supplier Invoice

I have been experimenting with this this afternoon but as you say the shipping is unknown until my supplier issues their invoice and I really want to add my purchase orders as I get them and not have to go back and edit them.

I am sure this must be possible as I would have thought this is a fairly common occurrence as all my suppliers have invoices in this exact format.

I am sure there is a way to do this but so far I have not found it.

The closest I have got so far is this but it seems to have the wrong figures:

Two Quick Entry Lines set at:

Taxes added (10%)
Remainder     (4430 Shipping & Handling)

When I add a £10 quick entry the sub total is correct at £10 but the tax line (10%) shows £100 instead of £1.00.  I am not sure where the £100 comes from?  The total is then shown as £110.

It looks like the £10 is being multiplied by 10 rather than 0.1 on the tax line?

Re: Shipping on Supplier Invoice

Hello again Kerrsmith,

It seems that you have detected a bug. It should have worked the way you did. I will have a look into this and will be back soon.


Re: Shipping on Supplier Invoice

Yes, there was a bug in /includes/ui/ui_view.inc. You can get the fixed file here:


Re: Shipping on Supplier Invoice

Yes, that has fixed it!

Thank you very much for looking in to this today, it is much appreciated.

I can now start to set up for real, I have been working out how to use Front Accounting for my business on a demo for a month or so but now am ready to start using it properly - this was the last issue I was trying to resolve.

Thanks again.