1 (edited by RLSinOP 01/20/2010 04:17:46 am)

Topic: Can't make changes on Company Setup

Just started using FrontAccounting today.  Setup was a breeze.  I started a small company in December.  Entered a few transactions and closed the year.  I also have set up a new year (2010) with no problem.  I closed 2009 and went to activate 2010 and I receive an orange triangle at the top of the page, which I assume is some kind of error code.  What I've found is if I try to change anything on he company setup page (address, zip, phone, etc.) I receive this error.

I'm not sure what I've done, any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


FYI - just tried a backup also - still receiving the triangle error icon.  I did change my timezone a couple of hours ago - would that have had an effect?

Re: Can't make changes on Company Setup

Sometimes happens that error messages are hidden after fatal error during ajax update, although t was fixed in last 2.2.4 version.To have more messages displayed  login into FA with javascript off in your browser, and reply tests..


Re: Can't make changes on Company Setup

OK, here's the deal.  I tested this again (Firefox) and I had the same results - simply tried to add an extra digit to my zip code to test, and I received the error triangle.  I turned off java and java script as you suggested to get a more detailed message and the changes/edits worked fine with a confirmation "Company setup has been updated" message.  I'm running v2.2.1.

Any suggestions?

Re: Can't make changes on Company Setup

For what it's worth - I just installed a fresh copy of 2.2.4 onto a fresh Ubuntu 8.04.1 LTS LAMP install.  Logged in, went to Company Setup, tried to enter my address and am getting the orange triangle error.

Just doesn't seem right.

Re: Can't make changes on Company Setup

Yes, of course it is not right. The problem is that I cannot reproduce this error.
The exclamation mark means there was no data returned from server and 3-ply timeout occured. This happens when some fatal error interrupts response on ajax call.
Have you checked all is right at System Diagnostics page? Have you error logging switched on? Maybe you will find something in FA error log or in www server's log.


6 (edited by RLSinOP 01/21/2010 02:26:48 pm)

Re: Can't make changes on Company Setup

Thanks Janusz, I'll do those checks as you suggest.  I've installed 2.2.4 and that doesn't seem to help, but I have tried turning on/off java script with some interesting results.  With java script off, most everything works.  Obviously, there are some short-comings - calendar pop-ups, buttons missing, etc.  With java script on, most all transactions work, but the notable exception is making any change in the Company Setup area.

If you would like access to my test system, please let me know and I'll set up an account for you and provide the URL.


Re: Can't make changes on Company Setup

From System Diagnostic:

Test     Test type     Value     Comments
MySQL version >3.23.58     Required     5.0.51a-3ubuntu5.4     Ok
PHP version >4.3.2     Required     5.2.4-2ubuntu5.10     Ok
Http server type     Info     Apache/2.2.8 (Ubuntu) PHP/5.2.4-2ubuntu5.10 with Suhosin-Patch     Ok
Server system     Info     Linux     Ok
Browser type     Info     Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091221 Firefox/3.5.7     Ok
Native gettext     Optional     Yes     Ok
Debugging mode     Info     No     To switch debugging on set $go_debug=1 in config.php file
Error logging     Recomended     /var/www/frontaccount/tmp/errors.log     Ok
Current database version     Required     2.2     Ok
Company subdirectories consistency     Required     ../company/*
../company/*/js_cache     Ok
Language configuration consistency     Required     en_GB     Ok
Temporary directory     Required     ../tmp     Ok
Session save path     Info     /var/lib/php5     Ok
Database auth file     Recomended     ../config_db.php     Ok
Main config file     Recomended     ../config.php     Ok
Extensions configuration files     Required     ../installed_extensions.php     Ok

Re: Can't make changes on Company Setup

Turned on debuging ($go_debug=1 in config.php).

Forced the error to occur (java script on, tried to add address in Company Setup)

Checked the ./tmp/error.log file.  The file is empty, filesize = 0.

Checked /var/log/apache2/error.log - no errors reported.

9 (edited by RLSinOP 01/21/2010 11:28:58 pm)

Re: Can't make changes on Company Setup

Janusz, I believe I have tracked down the problem and it's related to my setup.

In our DNS entries, I have a web-forwarding address setup: fa.example.com

This address forwards to: www.example.com:8082

The absolute URL being picked up by the system is: www.example.com (which is a web server listening on port 80).

How I tested this was to simply change the port apache listens on to 80 on my FA server and everything works perfectly.  So, it seems that in many parts of your system, the code figures this out.  For instance, in my original setup, when I moused over menu items, by browser was reporting the link as: www.example.com:8082 and most of the functionality in the system worked.  There is something about changes on the Company Setup screen that seems to have problems with this set, and doesn't behave like other areas of the system.

I was thinking about changing my Absolute URL to: www.example.com:8082 (now it's just at www.example.com) but I'm not sure where to change it at.  I grep'ed for it in the frontaccount directory but couldn't find it, so I assume it's in the database somewhere.

I hope this helps - please let me know your thoughts.

Re: Can't make changes on Company Setup

Thank you very much. Your investigation is very helpful smile.
For ajax calls we use JsHttpRequest library which is very good piece of code, but from the box it has not supported urls containing port number. I have fixed it long time ago, but surely I have missed something. I think it is related to file upload field on company setup page. JsHttpRequest have 3 internal transports, but not all capable for file upload. I will check it later today and will inform you about the effects.

BTW FrontAccounting uses relative urls only, so you can install it were you wish with the same effect.


Re: Can't make changes on Company Setup

I have just tested FA after restarting apache2 on two my servers with change of listening port to 8082. Both systems work without problems, changes on Company Setup page are updated, no update timeouts.

I have Debian installed on both systems. As a browser I use Iceweasel (Firefox) and 3.0.6. Could you check another browser like Konqueror? Maybe FF 3.5.7 has some flow regarding ajax updates on non-standard ports.


12 (edited by RLSinOP 01/22/2010 02:41:02 pm)

Re: Can't make changes on Company Setup

Thanks Janusz, we're getting pretty close here.  I have a single static IP address which is why I need to do some port forwarding - WWW at 80, FA at 8082, etc.  I use zoneedit.com to handle all my DNS work.  They have an option associated to web-forwarding called "cloaking" - you can find details at: http://www.zoneedit.com/doc/faq.html#faq36

Basically, as it redirects fa.example.com to www.example.com:8082 is "cloaks" the forwarding address and keeps fa.example.com in the browser.  Anyways, that seems to be the problem.  When I turn the cloaking off, everything works fine.

So, consider this problem solved as I'll just leave the cloaking off.  I'm not sure if it's something you want to check into or test, as it seems to work fine in most areas of FA, but seems to struggle on the Company Setup screens.

Again, thanks for your help.