Topic: Crypto Support in FA
I have done some experimentation and have figured out how to properly handle Crypto and maintain Cost basis and compute Capital Gains FIFO,
the general technique should work for other methods, but I want to keep it simple at first.
I have found it is not hard to add a new mb_flag type and existing options to prohibit buying or selling the item and then
we can add Crypto Buy and Crypto Sell in the banking section (Like Payments and Deposits)
I started looking at the webpages to add that functionality and support edit/delete etc as FA does so well and that is a bit of a push for me!
So what I want to do is implement it as part of a new or existing extension and once I have that working find someone to do the FA pages.
*** HELP WANTED *** (Read above first)
Once I get the crypto transaction import working I need someone, either an FA core programmer or someone else who has the skills.
I might be able to put up some money for the project but first and foremost the end product will be open source and available to be merged
into the main FA source.
I have been using FA for 15 years for free (and making contributions) and feel it is important to continue doing so.
If we get a few of us to work on it together we can work on a forked version.
If some who want this can contribute $25, $50, etc that can help - I work for free because I want to use the feature.
If you have something that does a lot of what I am asking for Great, but I am not interested in closed source.