1 (edited by jeskremer 12/19/2024 02:45:25 am)

Topic: Change from Non-Inventory to Inventory Item

OK, this probably is a stupid question, but when I setup FA to test it out, I did not start out with inventory.  I am now to the point of trying to get inventory to work, but realize that my Items, being set to Service and Non-Inventory, are unable to be changed to Inventory and Purchased.

Is there anyway to do this or am I completely stuck and have to re-enter all Items using new Item codes?

Thank you.

Re: Change from Non-Inventory to Inventory Item

Try to create another item of inventory type for the old one without inventory and proceed thereafter and see if you can back enter the old ones in the latter and then edit the invoices, salesorders and others that affect inventory thereafter

Re: Change from Non-Inventory to Inventory Item

Unfortunately, you can’t directly change an item’s type once it’s set, at least in most systems like this. Your best bet is to create new items with the correct type and use the old ones for reference. It’s a bit of a pain, but you’ll avoid potential issues with reports and tracking down the line.

Re: Change from Non-Inventory to Inventory Item

I was able to figure out how to change them all in phpMyAdmin.