1 (edited by syedmkhan 09/10/2024 09:20:09 pm)

Topic: Reports and Analysis - Why are the reports of all modules listed?

Hello again,

I am experiencing that the list of report show all the modules and their associated reports on the Reports and Analysis Screen. When I any module (which is not included for the user) and try to run the report then a warning message pops up that "...no permission...". My point here is that those modules and their associated reports should not be be shown. Because, this is causing confusion in the users.

I marked off the module by setting $hide_inaccessible_menu_items = 1; in config.php. It means that the reports list defined in reports_main.php is not synchronized with the main configuration in config.php.

For trying, I went into the reports_main.php and manually marked the options off then those modules and their associated reports got  dissappeared.

I think this configuration should be automatically synchronized with config.php.

Please advise - thanks!

Re: Reports and Analysis - Why are the reports of all modules listed?

I guess the reports are not split up at the access permissions level.

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