Topic: WordPress

Does anyone have an extension that allows importing orders etc from a WordPress site?

Or a WordPress plugin that talks to FA

I wanted to see what is around before I consider making one...

Re: WordPress

WordPress does not have orders by default unless you installed a WP plugin.
In WP with your preferred eCommerce plugin installed, take a DB backup, then mane an order and then take another backup and compare the differences between the two backups and you will know which tables/records were affected and you can do the same for FA and hammer out a orders transfer script / sql.

Re: WordPress

You are right, I meant to say Woocommerce plugin

Re: WordPress

Yes its possible with its rest api and webhook to easily pass the orders, customers information nd also sync stock bètween woocommerce and FA

Subscription service based on FA
HRM CRM POS batch Themes

Re: WordPress

I am not much of a WordPress dev, would it be a fools errand to have a FA add-on that pulled the data directly from the WP/woo database directly?

Re: WordPress