Topic: Print Item & Kit List

Maybe I'm missing something, but I have a two pronged question:

1. Is there a way to print an list of all of the items and their SKUs and even the Kits?

2. Is there a way to view more than 10 items, kits, customers, etc. when clicking the magnifying glass?  It is sometimes difficult to search when only 10 pop up.


Re: Print Item & Kit List

1. Inventory Reports might have what you are asking for, unless I misunderstood your requirements.
2. In config.php

        Optional popup search enabled if this is true.
    $max_rows_in_search = 10 is used for maximum rows in search
    $use_popup_search = true;
    $max_rows_in_search = 100;

Re: Print Item & Kit List

OK.  Figured the one out in a round-a-bout way.  In phpMyAdmin, I just downloaded the Item List to get all of the SKUs.

I still need to be able to see more than 10 or so customers or items when clicking the magnifying glass and the pop up opens.  There is no way to scroll or select next to see more.

Re: Print Item & Kit List

Look at @rafat's post above. He explains how to get more that 10 rows in search.
Here is a repeater wink.

You can set the variable

$max_rows_in_search = 10;

In the file config.php at the end. Set it to a suitable value


Re: Print Item & Kit List

Perfect.  Thanks!