Topic: How to use Balance-based quick entry JE

I cannot find an documentation on how to use a balance-based quick journal entry.  There is a check-box for a line in the journal entry, but no explanation of what that does.  Could someone please give some guidance, or direct me to some documentation?  Thanks.

Re: How to use Balance-based quick entry JE

Look here for info on quick entry … amp;lang=C

You set preset double entries for common transactions to speed up time and make errors less common.

I don't use it much. I use it for payments that are owner draws to to a equity or payments I do often enough. but dont need to track supplier tx/ payable balance just debit the appropriate acct, etc. It works for deposits too but I haven't done that.

Re: How to use Balance-based quick entry JE

I am familiar with quick entries and use them for various journal entries, etc.  What I do not know is what the "balance based" checkbox does and see nothing in the WIKI that explains it.

Re: How to use Balance-based quick entry JE

Oh I am not sure, I never even noticed it. Looks like it calculates differently to make sure the balance sheet will balance and only allows you to do it with journal quick entries? Here is all the code I could find quickly that is ran when it is enabled.


        // quick entry made on account balance is special case.
        if ($qe['bal_type'] == 1) // if this is quick entry based on balance - calculate it
            // Note, that this is ugly hack overriding standard field usage 
            // just to make the feature available between major FA releases!
            $gl_code = $qe['base_desc'];
            $monthly = $qe['base_amount'] == 1.0;

            if (!isset($date))
                $date = Today();

            if ($monthly) // marked as monthly
                $begin = begin_month($date);
                if (is_account_balancesheet($gl_code)) // total
                    $begin = "";
                    $begin = begin_fiscalyear(); // from fiscalyear begin
            $base = get_gl_trans_from_to($begin, $date, $gl_code);



        if ($qid['bal_type'] == 1)
            $accname = get_gl_account_name($qid['base_desc']);
            label_row(($qid['base_amount'] == 0 ? _("Yearly") : _("Monthly")) . " ". _("balance from account")." ".
                $qid['base_desc']." ".$accname."  ".submit('go', _("Go"), false, false, true),'', "colspan=2");


    if ($bal_type == 1 && $_POST['type'] != QE_JOURNAL)
        display_error( _("You can only use Balance Based together with Journal Entries."));
        return false;


if (get_post('type') == QE_JOURNAL && get_post('bal_type') == 1)
    yesno_list_row(_("Period"), 'base_amount', null, _("Monthly"), _("Yearly"));
    gl_all_accounts_list_row(_("Account"), 'base_desc', null, true);