Topic: PHP to 8.2 errors with FA 2.4.17
When I set my PHP to 8.2 with FA 2.4.17 the following error shows:
Creation of dynamic property front_accounting::$renderer is deprecated in file: /home/mydomain/public_html/accounts/frontaccounting.php at line 66 in Sales TAB when FA opens. When I refresh the page the error goes away.
When I switch back to php 8.1 it goes away.
Another error on PHP 8.2 when you want to add a new direct invoice for a client:
Unhandled exception [0]: Attempt to assign property "reference" on null. in file: /home/mysite/public_html/accounts/sales/sales_order_entry.php at line 267
Another PHP8.2 Error when you do a trial balance in Exel
Creation of dynamic property Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer_Parser::$ptg is deprecated in file: /home/mysite/public_html/accounts/reporting/includes/Workbook.php at line 2412
There are 26 lines of errors in workbook.php
Creation of dynamic property FrontReport::$formatRight is deprecated in file: /home/mysite/public_html/accounts/reporting/includes/ at line 127
6 lines of errors in