Topic: Can we use the set_icon function in as well

from file, we have a function navi_button which actually passes the img tag to get icons like this.

function navi_button($name, $value, $enabled=true, $icon = false) {
    global $path_to_root;
      return "<button ". ($enabled ? '':'disabled')
          ." class=\"navibutton \" type=\"submit\""
        ." name=\"$name\"  id=\"$name\" value=\"$value\">"
          .($icon ? "<img src='$path_to_root/themes/".user_theme()."/images/".$icon."'>":'')

Change it to like this.

function navi_button($name, $value, $enabled=true, $icon = false) {
    global $path_to_root;
      return "<button ". ($enabled ? '':'disabled')
          ." class=\"navibutton \" type=\"submit\""
        ." name=\"$name\"  id=\"$name\" value=\"$value\">"
          .($icon ? set_icon($icon):'')
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