In setup -> System and General GL setup I've entered for the Dutch situation:
Retained Earnings = 3590 Winstreserve voorgaande jaren (in English it is Retained Earnings prior years and in your demo shop it's also 3590)
Profit/Loss Year = 9990 Resultaat Boekjaar (winst/verlies) (in English it is Year Profit / Loss and in your demo shop it's also 9990)
The 3590 is already existing in the dutch chart of acconts. The 9990 needs to be created in the GL group 'General & Administrative Expenses' via General Ledger -> GL accounts.
Joe, if you can provide me instructions how to submit the Dutch chart of accounts then I will contribute mine. So far I found out it's a mysqldump of the company database, however I do already have company info which I then firts need to erase?!