Topic: Login screen shows for every link

Can anyone help me, i have installed latest package sucessfully but each time i follow an link in the navigation the login screen shows up again.

What have i done wrong?

Re: Login screen shows for every link

Seems you have cookies disabled in your browser?

Re: Login screen shows for every link

hmm, i have enablet cookies for all sites but its still not work.
I have done this in tools --- internet options -- security
Any  other way to do this ?
Or maybe anyone have another suggestion on the problem?

Re: Login screen shows for every link

As far as I understand you can login, menu screen is displayed and every click on menu options moves you to the login screen again? If this is the case seems there is some problem with session handling.  Cookie based session have to be also enabled on server side - please look into session related php.ini settings, especially session.use_cookies.
More here:


Re: Login screen shows for every link

It is totaly correct how you understand the problem.
I installed the package and first time i logged in everything works fine, next time i logged in this happens everytime.

Re: Login screen shows for every link

Give us a note when  you will check session configuration and you will find something strange.

Re: Login screen shows for every link

i have resolved the problem.
session configuration is ok but i had chmod all files to 777.
When i created a new folder with a new install without doing that chmod everything works fine :-)

Re: Login screen shows for every link

Well, good that it works for you now. But what  write permissions setting (AFAIK non effective at all as for now wink) have to do with session? Who knows...


Re: Login screen shows for every link

There may be a tmp directory that you also changed to 777 that has the php session file in it (The session has to be stored SOMEWHERE smile)

it is not generally a good idea to leave *all* your files set to 777


Re: Login screen shows for every link

Hi, I had this problem this morning too with a shared server that has an invalid save_path set. In the end I found the fix as creating a folder specific to session saves (as I always have to anyways), and then the following lines at around line 157 in /includes/ (the code there didn't work so easy, though it was on the path I used to /session/store/ so slight mod worked.

// Changed at line 156, version 2.2 release
//ini_set('session.save_path', dirname(__FILE__).'/../tmp/');
ini_set('session.save_path', $path_to_root.'/store/session');
// The extra session_save_path is the way I usually fix this. Not sure if that was necessary after the ini_set.