Topic: Frontaccounting extention Import Transactions not processed to update

01. I have installed and activated the extension "Import Transactions"
02. Then I downloaded and adapted the csv template to meet the GL code requerements ( Please see the attachment 01_deposit_en_GB.csv)
03. After that I did the import for deposits but ended with preview page without uopdating anything ( I untick the check box "Trial-run before importing. Do NOT process into database." also)

Please see the total process I followed in this video.

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01_deposit_en_GB.csv 230 b, 8 downloads since 2023-03-12 

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Re: Frontaccounting extention Import Transactions not processed to update

You seem to have done all OK. The only thing you need to make sure is the Reference
(must match pattern in Setup->Transaction References). You should be flying then.

Re: Frontaccounting extention Import Transactions not processed to update

Thanks for the reply.
I tried with reference in said two options but failed.
1. with same pattern in transaction references {xxx/YYYY} -> 004/2022
2. with blank reference column

Re: Frontaccounting extention Import Transactions not processed to update

If you want to use 004/2022 then your pattern should be {001}/{YYYY} and you make sure 004/2022 does not exist in the system. Also the system will not accept blank reference. It accepts a space (NULL). All fields in the spreadsheet should also be formatted accordingly..i.e Reference is General and Date is Date with the relevant date format...etc..Also make sure the Fiscal Year that you are posting into is active and the Banking and GL Configuration has the Allow entry on non closed Fiscal years ticked.
If you still facing problems try debug on and look to see if any errors.

Re: Frontaccounting extention Import Transactions not processed to update

I have a related issue with importing direct invoice.  After setting up the CSV file and selecting it for Direct Sales Import, nothing happens and there is "no file chosen" against the Choose File button.

Errors.log sometimes shows this error:
3:<user> Zend OPcache API is restricted by "restrict_api" configuration directive

Any ideas how to fix? File name has no spaces or special characters, and I'm not comfortable messing with the file.

I've been able to import bank transactions successfully, so I know the import should work.  Thanks.