Topic: membership administration for an association

I will use FA for a NPO-association.

How I can set-up best way the membership administration and information?

The membership-fees are not always paid in the period where they should be paid.
Some members will pay in the next fiscal year the membership-fees from last year, and sometimes they will pay for the next three years.

Now I'm searching for a solution to print the members-list,
to see on the list for which years a member had paid the fees
or for which period the fees still open.

What I also need, to add at the customer the info since when he is a member and which kind of member, and this info will be included in the members-list.
How is it possible to make two additional fields at the customer, for member since, kind of member?
How is it possible to add at the booking for the payment paid till?

There are also member, they haven't to pay a fee, but they must be included in member-list.

Thank you in advance for your help.

Re: membership administration for an association

I think you can achieve this scheme creating members as customers, creating customer groups (for various member kinds) and then defining recurrent invoices/sales orders with 1 year recurrency period for every group.


Re: membership administration for an association

Hi Janusz

In this way I solved the invoicing, but I have a problem to print a list with the info "member since" and "paid till", because this informations are only related to the member (customer) and not related to the financial year.

What I need, to be able to print a member-list with all related infos. How is it possible to get two fields at the customer info which are formated with the date-format, where I can put in "member since" and "paid till".
At the moment I put in the infos in the field "General Notes", but it's not really workable if you print, you have to do everything manually, I must be able to have a list which I can sort.

I tried via customer details listing, but here I cann't say "no filter" at the sales areas, we are an NPO-ass. with members in several countries.

I know, I can take a member-admin program, but all related infos I also need for the book-keeping, therefore I will try to bring in one system, to keep the work as less as possible, but up-to-date as possible.

Is there maybe a modul which could handle this, I haven't found something.
What does it need, to make two more info-fields at the customer, I'm not Tech-guy, I don't know.