1 (edited by apmuthu 01/19/2015 02:40:54 pm)

Topic: EMail All Customers report / module in Official Git

I have just updated in my GitHub repo with the new rep_email_customers extension from it's official Git repo.

It is however not yet in the offical pkg repo.

Anyone tested it?

2 (edited by samir 04/07/2015 12:38:10 pm)

Re: EMail All Customers report / module in Official Git

can i have your support to add it to my system to test it?

3 (edited by apmuthu 04/07/2015 01:48:47 pm)

Re: EMail All Customers report / module in Official Git

1. Upload the folder in the attached zip file into the modules folder in your FA webroot.
2. Login to your default (control)  company
3. Navigate to Setup => Install / Activate Extensions
4. Install the EMail Customers Extension by clicking the green install icon to the extreme right in the row.
5. Choose the Working company from the top drop down box to Activate the extension
6. Tick the checkbox to activate the extension for the said company.
7. Logout from the default (control) company
8. Login to the Working Company
9. Navigate to Sales => Inquiries and Reports => Customer and Sales Reports => EMail Customers

The Wiki has the screenshot.

Post's attachments

rep_email_customers.zip 8.3 kb, 6 downloads since 2015-04-07 

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Re: EMail All Customers report / module in Official Git

Is there a new version to this?  I just tried installing on FA ver 2.4.9 and it is no longer compatible.

Re: EMail All Customers report / module in Official Git

I just installed 2.4.14
using softoliciuos

the COAs, themes, and all extensions look like they are broken, nothing shows up

I would guess it has something to do with the new PHP

unfortunately there arnt enough people using FA to keep the forum lively