Topic: GitHub Latest Commits grab script

When we use GitHub, we can see the list of forks using:<ACCOUNT>/<REPO>/network/members

However, we cannot see the date of last commit for all the forks  simultaneously.
We cannot also have them sorted in date of last update as well.

These are generally suggestions for Microsoft's GitHub team.

FA uses PunBB for the forum.

Attached is a PHP CLI program and it's output of a list of 80 forks of PunBB and their date of last update provided as an array and can be modified as needed - CSV, TSV, HTML, PDF, etc.

In a similar manner, for any GitHub project (FA24extensions, etc), we can work on the forks that have the latest updates but beware, many may just have some language translations or credits in the readme files.

Post's attachments 2.1 kb, 3 downloads since 2022-10-13 

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